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Give the Joy of a Christmas Tree



There are too many families that cannot afford a Christmas tree.

Christmas can be one of the happiest times of the year, but can also be one of the saddest if there is no way to afford Christmas, which for so many, includes having a Christmas tree.

Our Mission

Our mission is to give away fully decorated Christmas trees to families in need.

The focus and heart of this project remains the thousands of families who cannot afford a tree, want a good Christmas and are thrilled and touched when they receive a Christmas tree as a gift.

David Fein and his granddaughter Rose explain

The Christmas Tree Project

How it Began

In November 2010, Michelle and David Fein gave away one Christmas tree on Craig’s list.

They had no idea how many families needed a tree and what a Christmas tree really meant to people.

To date, the Christmas Tree Project has given away thousands of trees and has become the largest Christmas Tree give-away organization in the world.

What We Do

We collect trees, decorations and cash donations throughout the year and build the network of volunteers (“elves”) for the upcoming season.

Then after Thanksgiving, we rally all the elves from churches, schools, scouts and companies for both our Colorado tree give away as well as work with families around the country and around the world to get them trees.

We are the only organization in the world that does this at this scale. But it ought to be much bigger!


Although our focus is on Colorado, we give away trees nationally and even internationally.

Become an Elf &
Help Us-It’s Easy!

Volunteer as an "Elf"CLICK HERE
Donate Cash (PayPal donate)CLICK HERE
Donate Christmas trees and decorationsCLICK HERE
Get your church, school, company or scout troop involved (perfect Eagle project)CLICK HERE

Join our Elf Mailing List

Join the elf mailing list and we’ll email you when the big push begins to coordinate how you might help.


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